A multifaceted mobile tablet based android application of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), GoI for early identification and tracking of the individual beneficiary throughout there productive lifecycle. Application would help to ensure tracking of beneficiary for proper health care and promote family planning methods being adopted by them. System also facilitates to ensure timely delivery of full competent of antenatal, postnatal & delivery services and tracking of children for complete immunization services. ANMOL application has been designed to meet the requirements of the RMNCH program by incorporating additional functionality and features of the RCH
基于医疗保健和家庭福利部(MoHFW)的多方面移动平板电脑应用程序,GoI用于在整个生产生命周期中尽早识别和跟踪个体受益人。申请将有助于确保追踪受益人的适当医疗保健,并促进他们采用的计划生育方法。系统还有助于确保及时提供完整的产前,产后和分娩服务,并跟踪儿童的全面免疫服务。 ANMOL应用程序旨在通过结合RCH的其他功能和特性来满足RMNCH程序的要求